Tom Lathrop
Bobby Lucero, Jason King, Nick Godsmark, Colin Soderberg-Chase, Chad Barrett, Tyler Dyck
College: BA English, Portland State University
Master’s in Education, Pacific University Coaching
Club: THUSC, Westside Metros/Timbers, PCU
96, 97 West Linn High School Girls Soccer
1998-2016 Westview High School Boys Soccer
Served all capacities-Head Coach 2010-2016
Metro League Champions 00' 07' 08' 14' 15'
State Finals 05' 08' 11'
State Champions 2011
Metro League Coach of the Year 14' 15' 16' 19’ 21’
OACA Coach of the Year 11'
Comcast All-Star Coach 2015
Special Olympics Oregon Unified (Soccer) 2012-2016
Portland Timbers Broadcasting 2013-Present
College: George Fox University Women's Soccer assistant coach 13'-16'