We created our Leadership Pathway to provide an opportunity for any student to learn about what it means to be a good leader while creating lasting memories for Mountainside High School! Classes offered include Intro to Leadership (9th grade semester class), Student Leadership 1 (10th-12th grade semester or full-year course) and Student Leadership 2 (9th-12th grade full-year course with application). For full class offerings and descriptions of each course and the Leadership Pathway, please see the Pathways page
National Gold School Since 2020
- Oregon Association of Student Councils Gold School since 2018
- National Gold Council of Excellence Award Winner since 2020.
We will be F.I.R.S.T to Shine on others,
Dare to act,
Create unforgettable experiences and traditions,
Spread Maverick Spirit
and Lead through service.
Mountainside leadership, staff, and student body will work together to create a kind, positive, unique, spirited and inclusive culture at our school.
Be F.I.R.S.T. to Serve
Be Friendly, Be Inclusive, Be Reliable, Be Spirited, Be Totally Awesome!